Landscape Monitor Methodology

Strategic opportunities and risks start outside your organization, not inside

Landscape Monitor is a new methodology to create value and growth by opening organizations to the opportunities emerging in the landscape. It will engage your organization in actively gathering outside signals to quickly spot opportunities and risks in your environment. The Landscape Monitor creates a constant flow of strategic intelligence to have strategic planning, innovation, and risk management processes that add true value and sustainable growth.

The Landscape Monitor philosophy is summarized in our Manifesto:

  1. Strategic innovation does not start with ideas but a rich set of observations
  2. Ideas (insights) emerge from combining observations in new ways
  3. Competitive advantage does not come from execution anymore (it is a necessary but not sufficient condition) but from seeing what is next before others
  4. The landscape of an organization is several orders of magnitude more complex than its inside
  5. Organization culture has to move beyond an inside-looking perspective to embrace an outside-looking perspective
  6. New tools and processes are needed to ground this culture, casual conversations and isolated efforts are not enough
  7. Sensing the landscape and generating insights is a team sport, use the talent to go beyond execution
  8. Sensing is an ongoing effort, once-a-year exercises do not do the job anymore
  9. Learning is the basic building block to identify weak signals, emerging trends, and windows of opportunity
  10. Luck favors those who see change before anybody else and take risks

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Companies that use the concept of the Landscape Monitor mention a number of contributions.

  1. Identify emerging opportunities ahead of competitors
  2. Create value through tactical and strategic opportunities
  3. Create a culture sensitive to changes in the landscape
  4. Commit people to grow the organization
  5. Enhance strategic planning to quickly adapt to shifting market forces
  6. Have people engaged in sensing the landscape and making sense of how it changes
  7. Create innovation that leads to growth and value

Improve the strategic intelligence of your organization